Homepage Kes raviti osteopaadist jalgade korstna valgus deformeerumist

Kes raviti osteopaadist jalgade korstna valgus deformeerumist

salvi valgus luuülevaade

Skills. Leader Skill: Increases the Defense of ally monsters by 20%. Skill 1: Breeze [350%]: Attacks the target and increases the Attack Bar of the ally with the lowest Attack Bar by 15%. Lv.2 Damage +5%; Lv.3 Damage +5%; Lv.4 Damage +5%; Lv.5 Damage +5%; Lv.6 Damage +10%; Lv.7 Damage +10%. Skill 2: Wood Vine .200%+320%, Wood Vine: Attacks the enemy, decreases the target's Attack Bar by 50% with a 70% chance, and decreases the target's Attack Speed for 2 turns with a 70% chance. This attack will deal more damage according to your Defense. (Reusable in 4 turns). Lv.2 Harmful Effect Rate +5%; Lv.3 Damage +10%; Lv.4 .

Some more links:
-> pöidla valgus deformeerumine

-> rosmed ravi halus valgus

-> kus saab osta fiksaator valgus pro

-> Kas ortopeedilised sisetallad aitavad luksuslikul ploskostopii minna kontsad

-> millist sporti ma võin teha lammaste jalaga

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